Plan your journey

Outline your path forward

Together we shape your data strategy, living up to your company strategy. We help you measuring where you are today and define the road to reach your ambitions.

Define your goal

Before you move, you need to know where to, or you will keep wandering around forever. Or in this case: you will keep spending money on data without no outcome. Defining a data strategy, linked to your company strategy is a crucial step in your quest to deliver value from data. At Dataminded we have seen too many companies embark on their data journey without a solid plan or clear expectations. Needless to say that without defining how success looks like, it is very hard to reach success…

We have helped many companies like yours before with turning their data initiatives into success. The road to become the next DPG Media, Luminus, or Imec - just to name a few data-driven companies which we are proud to have helped - always starts with shaping your data strategy. When you already have one, we can help you with the implementation. But also when you don't, we can help you shape your data strategy!

Know where you are today

A journey brings you from point A to B. Once you have defined your data strategy, you have selected your point B, but with an uncertain starting point, you still can not map your journey.

That is why with Dataminded we have designed our Data Maturity Index. This test is designed to measure your data maturity across 6 axes. It does identify your possible improvement points, as well as it acts as the starting point for your data journey.

And plan the road towards your future

Your data strategy and a portfolio of use-cases will entail capabilities required in your data landscape and data workforce. Choices need to be made, which will allow us to together design your data architecture. Be aware that a data architecture should be flexible enough to keep up with latest trends and technologies like the recent development of Generative AI.

Dataminded does more than just offering some architecture diagrams of an ideal end state. Starting from your as-is, as measured with the Data Maturity Index, we bring a plan to cover the journey to reach your data ambitions, while bringing early value with the fast onboarding of initial use-cases. We don't believe in large architecture implementations up front, we believe in fast iterations with valuable intermediate results.

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Vismarkt 17, 3000 Leuven, Belgium

Vat. BE.0667.976.246

© 2024 Dataminded. All rights reserved.

Vismarkt 17, 3000 Leuven, Belgium

Vat. BE.0667.976.246

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